صحة عامة

Cinnarizine 25 mg

Cinnarizine 25 mg


لعلاج الغثيان و القئ و الدوار و علاج وقائى لدوار البحر

علبة تحتوى 30 قرص ب 6.75 جنيه


Antihistaminics, anti-emetics and antivertigo preparations.


Cinnarizine inhibits contractions of vascular smooth muscle cells by blocking calcium channels. Cinnarizine increases erythrocyte deformability and decreases blood viscosity in vitro. Cinnarizine inhibits stimulation of the vestibular system.


Control of vestibular symptoms of both peripheral and central origin and of labyrinthine disorders including vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea and vomiting.

Prophylaxis of motion sickness.

Adjunct therapy for symptoms of peripheral arterial disease.


In patients with known hypersensitivity to cinnarizine.
The safety of STUGERON tablets in pregnant and lactating women has not been established.
Parkinson's disease.


This medicine may lead to drowsiness and impaired concentration, which may be aggravated by simultaneous intake of alcohol or other central nervous system depressants. 

Patients should not operate hazardous machinery or drive motor vehicles or perform potentially hazardous tasks where loss of concentration may lead to accidents.


As with other antihistamines, STUGERON tablets may cause epigastric distress; taking it after meals may diminish gastric irritation.

Adults and children over the age of 12 years:

Peripheral circulatory disorders: 2-3 x 25 mg tablets three times daily.

Disorders of balance: 1 x 25 mg tablet three times daily.

The maximum recommended dosage should not exceed 225 mg (9 tablets) daily – if necessary the dosage may be divided over 2 or 3 intakes per day. As the effect of STUGERON tablets on vertigo is dose dependent, the dosage should be increased progressively.

Motion Sickness:

Adults: 25 mg may be taken 2 hours before the start of the journey and 12,5 mg to 25 mg may be repeated every 8 hours during the journey when necessary.
Children 8 to 12 years: 12,5 mg (half a tablet) three times daily when necessary.

Children 5 to 7 years: 6,25 mg three times daily when necessary.


The most common antihistaminic side-effect of cinnarizine is sedation which can vary from slight drowsiness to deep sleep, and including inability to concentrate, lassitude, dizziness, and inco-ordination. Sedative effects, when they occur, may diminish after a few days.

Other side-effects include gastro-intestinal disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation, anorexia or increased appetite and epigastric pain.

Somnolence and gastro-intestinal disturbances are usually transient and may often be prevented by achieving the optimum dosage gradually.

Cinnarizine may also produce antimuscarinic effects such as blurred vision, difficulty in micturition, dysuria, dryness of mouth and tightness of chest.
Central effects may include muscular weakness, headache and euphoria.

Weight gain, perspiration or allergic reactions may be observed. Cases of lichen planus and lupus-like symptoms and an isolated case of cholestatic jaundice have been reported.

In elderly people cases of aggravation or an appearance of extrapyramidal symptoms sometimes associated with depressive feelings have been described during prolonged therapy. 

The treatment should be discontinued in such cases.


Cinnarizine may enhance the sedative effect of central nervous system depressants including alcohol, barbiturates, hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants, sedatives and tranquillisers.

The side-effects of anticholinergic substances such as atropine and tricyclic antidepressants may be enhanced by the concomitant administration of antihistamines.
Monoamine-oxidase inhibitors may enhance the antimuscarinic effects of antihistamines.


Overdose may be fatal especially in infants and children in whom the main symptoms are central nervous system stimulation and antimuscarinic effects including ataxia, excitement, hallucinations, muscle tremor, convulsions, dilated pupils, dry mouth,flushed face and hyperpyrexia.

 Deepening coma, cardiorespiratory collapse, and death may occur within 18 hours. In adults the usual symptoms are central nervous depression with drowsiness, coma and convulsions. Hypertension may also occur.

Treatment is symptomatic and supportive.

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